2017 Conference and AGM June 15 – 17 in Tumbler Ridge, BC

This year’s BC Community Forest Association Conference and AGM will be held in Tumbler Ridge, June 15-17, 2017.

Check the BCCFA website  for registration and updates

Join us in Tumbler Ridge, the land of waterfalls and dinosaurs, and home of the new UNESCO Global Geopark, for the 2017 Conference and AGM, hosted by the Tumbler Ridge Community Forest.

Each year, community forest managers and board volunteers, along with forest professionals, local and provincial government representatives and academics look forward to the informative sessions and valuable networking opportunities of this event. Join us and experience BC community forest culture first hand.

Online Registration – Available in April

Event VenueTrend Mountain Hotel

Become a Conference Sponsor – make an online payment

Accommodations Guide


Thursday, June 15th
9:00-3:00     Field trip to Tumbler Ridge Community Forest & local special features
6:00-10:00   Opening Reception

Friday, June 16th 
8:30-4:30    Sessions will include a round table on community engagement, building trust and the cultivation of social licence; information on the new BC land based funding opportunities including the new carbon project; updates on key activities from the MFLNRO and the BCCFA; Manager and Board sessions on current and emerging issues.
6:00-10:00  BCCFA Banquet, Awards and celebration of the BCCFA’s 15th Anniversary

Saturday, June 17th
8:30-3:00    BCCFA AGM; Community Forest Showcase; liability and volunteer projects on the community forest; and more

3rd Annual BC Forest Safety Council Conference May 27 2017, Prince George

Safety in Forestry Industry Focus of Upcoming Conference

By Greg Fry

Feb 28, 2017
250 News

Prince George, B.C. – The third annual Interior Safety Conference is coming back to Prince George in May. Hosted by the BC Forest Safety Council, the theme this year is “Leading Safety – Building Strong Supervisors” and will include sessions on building stronger teams, communicating with different generations of workers, and managing fatigue at work. Gerard Messier, manager of program development with the BC Forest Safety Council, says it will also focus on steep slope logging. “We will look at everything from how to make chip haul trucks more fuel efficient to equipment on steep slopes.” He says the main conference will take place Saturday, May 27, and says they’re also looking at running a shorter event a day earlier.