Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 20

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 20

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will continue with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower. Hauling of materials to processing plants will be ongoing for the week as well.

Extraction of debris and forwarding to landing is planned for later in the week at the Hydro Substation Block, A1.

Treatment will continue along Hwy 39 in TU 25 (Approx. 3km north of railway crossing). Crew and equipment will be working there.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 13

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 13

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will continue with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.

No activities planned for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Treatment will continue along Hwy 39 in TU 25 (Approx. 3km north of railway crossing). Crew and equipment will be working there. Small debris pile burning to stop on the 14th.  Mechanical operations to start night shift Wednesday night.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MWAC-Business-Card-20190401-Back-Higher-Res.png

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 6

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 6

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will continue with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.

No activities planned for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Treatment will continue along Hwy 39 in TU 25 (Approx. 3km north of railway crossing). Crew and equipment will be working there.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 30

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 30

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will resume Wednesday with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.

No activities planned for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Treatment has started along Hwy 39 in TU 25 (Approx. 3km north of railway crossing). Crew and equipment will be working there.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 9

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 9

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will resume with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.  Later in the week there will also be loading and hauling of wood from the landing area.  Access will be kept open for the staff to access Little Mac but please ask operators to use caution when approaching intersections.

No activities planned for the  Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is MWAC-Business-Card-20190401-Back-Higher-Res.png

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 2

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of March 2

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will resume with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.  Access will be kept open for the staff to access Little Mac but please ask operators to use caution when approaching intersections.

Loading and hauling of timber and debris for Hydro Substation Block, A1, will continue for the week.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of February 24

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of February 24

Fuel treatment works in the John Dahl park area will continue for the week. Equipment will be working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing for loading out. Loading trucks will be occurring from the landing by the  distribution house below the water tower. Please watch for signage and stay out of these areas. Thank you for your cooperation.  Access will be kept open for the staff to access Little Mac but please ask operators to use caution when approaching intersections.

No fuel treatment activities planned for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Contract Opportunity for Wildfire Fuel Reduction Treatments in Mackenzie

Contract Opportunity for Wildfire Fuel Reduction Treatments in Mackenzie

Request for Proposals – Wildfire Fuel Treatment TU #25

The District of Mackenzie invites qualified and experienced firms to submit a proposal for operational wildfire fuel reduction treatments to achieve the targets and objectives of the ” Fuel Management Prescription (FMP) District of Mackenzie – Highway 39 Egress Route Treatment”.

Proponents are invited to submit proposals as per the requirements of this request. All aspects of the FMP must be adhered to.

For details, see the Request for Proposals documents:

Request for Proposals: Wildfire Fuel Reduction Treatment Project

Attachment #1 – Fuel Management Prescription

Attachment #2 – Treatment Unit 25 Ortho Map

Attachment #3 Treatment Unit 25 Access Map


Amendment #1 – Q & A Document Posted Download the PDF

Amendment #2 – Deadline for proposal submissions extended to March 11, 2020 4:00 pm.

Amendment #3 – There is some challenging terrain in the southern portion of the TU that may require additional access considerations and planning. Proponents are reminded that it is their responsibility to familiarize themselves with site conditions and ensure they are prepared to meet all requirements of the project.

This request for proposals is posted to BCBid.ca, the District of Mackenzie website, the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest website, and CHMM 103.5 FM radio

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of February 17 2020

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of February 17 2020

Fuel treatment works in the John Dahl park area will resume for the week. Equipment will be working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing for loading out. Loading trucks will be occurring from the landing by the distribution house. Please watch for signage and stay out of these areas. Thank you for your cooperation.  Access will be kept open for the staff to access Little Mac but please ask operators to use caution when approaching intersections.

Fuel treatment activities for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, will continue for the week with processing.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update For the week of February 10, 2020

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update For the week of February 10, 2020

Fuel treatment works in the John Dahl park area will be on hold for the week. The removal work is not complete so please still watch for signage and stay out of these areas. Thank you for your cooperation.

Fuel treatment activities for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, will continue for the week with equipment working forwarding materials, processing and loading.

Please stay informed by listening to CHMM the local radio station, reviewing the District Facebook site, the District of Mackenzie Emergency Network and the District of Mackenzie Website.

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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