Profits from the MLMCF’s log sales are used to achieve the Community Forest’s mission, goals and objectives; including short and long term forest management planning and operations. In addition, a reserve fund is held for contingencies.
As per its ‘Distribution of Profits’ policy, each year, the MLMCF evaluates their financial position to determine whether there are surplus funds. The Board of Directors determines the surplus available for distribution in equal portions to the District of Mackenzie, the McLeod lake Indian Band and the MLMCF. Each recipient develops their own priorities and systems for use and/or distribution of the funds.
The MLMCF uses their share of these funds to enhance the Community Forest tenure area by making funding available to organizations wishing to undertake projects which will:
a. provide economic opportunities for local workers, businesses, contractors, and manufacturers;
b. support forestry and natural resource related research, education and training – ie. capacity building, trades training, all levels of the education system;
c. enhance forest based recreation and tourism;
d. support other multiple-use activities on the community forest area; and
e. increase tenure productivity through enhanced silviculture.
This year, the Community Forest has provided $100,000 to fund projects and was very pleased to present cheques to these successful applicants:
- Synergy Applied Ecology, Wildlife Monitoring around the Mackenzie townsite, $25,000
- Mackenzie Nordiques Cross Country Ski Club, Convert lighting on 2.5 km. lit trail to energy efficient LED bulbs, $24,000
- MORATA (Mackenzie Outdoor Route and Trail Association), Tools for Trail Maintenance & design of a downhill mountain bike trail, $20,000
- Mackenzie Nature Observatory Banding Station, Build a kitchen shelter at the banding station, $15,000
- Mackenzie Autumn Lodge Society, Upgrades to Mackenzie Legacy Garden, $12,000
- Mackenzie Gets Healthy Committee, Towards creation of an Outdoor Exercise Park, $5,000

Future Plans
The MLMCF has set aside a reserve fund with the intention of continuing this annual Project Funding program as long as possible. We intend to invite applications in the winter of 2017/2018 and target issuance of cheques next spring, 2018.
For funding eligibility criteria, refer to the MLMCF Funding Policy.
Download a PDF copy of the 2017 Community Project Funding Announcement
Download a PDF copy of the 2017 MLMCF Funding Report in the Spring/Summer 2017 MLIB newsletter