Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 13

Wildfire Fuel Treatment Update for the Week of April 13

Fuel treatment works for the John Dahl park area will continue with equipment working to extract and forward debris from the treatment areas to the landing by the distribution house below the water tower.

No activities planned for the Hydro Substation Block, A1, for the week.

Treatment will continue along Hwy 39 in TU 25 (Approx. 3km north of railway crossing). Crew and equipment will be working there. Small debris pile burning to stop on the 14th.  Mechanical operations to start night shift Wednesday night.

Weekly updates are posted to our website (www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires), broadcast by CHMM 103.5 FM radio station, and shared via our Facebook page (@mwac.wildfires).

Download a PDF copy of this update

Ian LeBlanc, Wildfire Projects Coordinator  wpc@mlmcf.ca   250.640.6287  www.mlmcf.ca/wildfires    

The Mackenzie Wildfire Advisory Committee (MWAC) is a partnership of the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest, District of Mackenzie, McLeod Lake Indian Band, BC Wildfire Service, industry, and stakeholders. We work together to advance and coordinate wildfire protection strategies at the local and landscape levels.

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