
The MLMCF Forest License (Community Forest Agreement K2M) is an ‘Area-Based Tenure’ which means that the license is specific to a defined area of forest land and the Licensee has exclusive rights to harvest in those areas. We manage a gross area of approximately 24,200 hectares in 5 separate units called Dastaiga, Parsnip, Gagnon, Cut Thumb, and Morfee. We pride ourselves on the quality of forest management we are able to deliver and value good forest management over profit.

Forest Stewardship Plans

MLMCF Forest Stewardship Plan #3 (2021-2026) is available for public review and comment until September 3 2021

This Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) was prepared for the McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest Limited Partnership (MLMCF), a partnership between the McLeod Lake Indian Band and the District of Mackenzie which holds Community Forest Agreement K2M. The McLeod Lake Mackenzie Community Forest is located within the Mackenzie Natural Resource District, and is comprised of six geographically distinct operating areas, which have been named after existing landscape features. From the southernmost to the northernmost operating areas, these are the Parsnip, Highway 39 Corridor, Gagnon, Morfee, Dastaiga, and the Cut Thumb (See overview map in Appendix 1). The gross area of the community forest is approximately 26,250 hectares (ha).

The FSP is the primary referral process for notifying the public, First Nations, and government agencies to the location of Forest Development Units (FDUs) and operating areas, as well as the results and strategies for management that apply to these areas. It is the only legislative planning approval mechanism for forest harvesting and related activities under the Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) regime.

Results and strategies are used to describe management intent. The FSP states measurable, enforceable results and strategies that must be consistent with the objectives set by government for a variety of values including fish, water, wildlife, cultural heritage resources, and biodiversity.

  • Plans can be viewed online at mlmcf.ca/operations
  • Plans can be viewed in person Monday to Friday between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm at
    • the District of Mackenzie office, 1 Mackenzie Blvd, Mackenzie
    • the McLeod Lake Indian Band office, 61 Tse’khene Drive, McLeod Lake
  • Questions or written comment regarding the plans should be directed to
    • Dan Boulianne, RPF, General Manager
    • (250) 997-1027
    • PO Box 579, Mackenzie BC, V0J2C0
    • generalmanager@mlmcf.ca